lisa wayne beverly hills inside out revitalizing shampoo + conditioner

think of it as anti-aging for your hair

as we age, our hair experiences the same negative effects as our skin does. it becomes thinner, duller, and, unfortunately, more lifeless. but now there's something you can do about it. the lisa wayne beverly hills inside out revitalizing shampoo, and volumizing conditioner are the answer. these revitalizing treatments result in fuller, more vibrant hair, and, when coupled with the lisa wayne bhio vitamin system, the results are even greater.

lisa wayne's desire to produce the best anti-aging shampoo -- one that would be both safe and effective -- led her to the top lab in the united states to develop a sulfate-free, environmentally friendly shampoo, and conditioner, to complement her skincare system.

the results are reflected in these two safe and effective products developed exclusively for beverly hills inside out which are void of harsh chemicals, sulfates or medicinal odor.


introducing the lisa wayne beverly hills inside out revitalizing shampoo, volumizing conditioner, and hair vitamin supplement system. a scientific breakthrough that allows women to have the hair they've always dreamed of. topically, the products infuse the scalp with vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts to encourage a stronger, healthy hair follicle while blocking the dreaded dht -- a chemical that we all produce in our bodies but which is the number one reason we lose our hair as we age.

  1. dht blockers inhibit your existing hair from falling out.
  2. natural plant extracts nourish, protect, and strengthen your existing hair.
  3. the special formulation of vitamins and minerals contained in the shampoo feed the follicles to stimulate new hair growth.
  4. specially selected formulation of vitamins and miner supplements help your hair growth and follicle stimulation from the inside.
  5. watch your hair grow!